
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Raspberry Soufflé

I would suggest straight sided ramekins, not like mine...probably it won’t take you 20 minutes just to secure the baking paper on the sides...........otherwise it is a great recipe and it tastes divine. We went to Brugge recently and we had some delicious (very expensive) French desserts....and in my opinion they used a soufflé like this in their forest fruit dessert. Well it tasted the same:)

Raspberry Soufflé

For the Soufflé

1tbsp sunflower oil
4tbsp rosewater
1tbsp powdered gelatine
400g raspberries
1tbsp fresh lemon juice
85g icing sugar
450ml double cream
4 egg whites
Mint leaves to garnish-optional

Make 4 double layered bands of greaseproof paper, large enough to wrap around the outsides of the ramekins and wide enough to sit 5cm above the rim. Secure with adhesive tape. Brush the inside rim of the paper lightly with oil.

Place the rosewater in a small bowl, sprinkle with the gelatine and leave to soak for 2 minutes or until it becomes spongy. Set the bowl  in a larger bowl half filled with boiling water from the kettle, and stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.

Place all but 12+8(20 in total) of the raspberries in a food processor and blend to a purée. Sieve, discarding any pips. Stir in the lemon juice and sugar, then gradually stir in the gelatine. Leave in a cool place until just beginning to set. Divide 12 raspberries between the 4 ramekins.

Whip the cream to soft peaks and fold into the raspberry mixture. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the raspberry mixture. 

Pour into the prepared ramekins on to the raspberries and chill in the refrigerator until set.

Carefully peel off the greaseproof paper from each ramekins. Decorate with the 8 reserved whole raspberries and mint leaves.

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