
Sunday, 29 July 2012

Tapioca Pearls Pudding

So I never had tapioca pearls before, but it always interested me....The texture is still strange for me, but some parts of the world have this dessert for ages. I tried it hot and cold as well, strangely I prefer its hot, but my husband loves it cold. I also experimented with the taste, added pandan essence to one half and coconut to the other.

Tapioca Pearls Pudding

100g tapioca pearls
500ml pineapple and coconut juice
1 tinned coconut milk
half a mango
1tsp pandan essence/Pandanus essence
20g white chocolate
50g creamed coconut

"Pandanus or Pandan essence is and extract made from the leaves of the Pandan (Screwpine) plant. The essence is used in South Asian cooking, primarily for desserts, it is also a naturally green, therefore it is also used to add colour to foods."

Put the tapioca pearls into a bowl and add the fruit juice. Leave it to soak overnight. 

Next day put the tapioca with the fruit juice into a heavy based pan and heat it under a medium heat stirring constantly. As soon as it starts to boil it will thicken, add the coconut milk. Keep stirring until the white pearls become colourless and you have a sticky, jellylike paste (If you find that the pearls still hard, add some fruit juice and keep cooking).

Divide the tapioca pudding into two. To one part add the grated white chocolate and the grated creamed coconut and mix together. To the other part add the pandan essence and mix in until evenly blended.

Until it cools slice up the mango. I cut some slices and chopped the rest of the mango. Put a spoonful of chopped mango to the bottom of the glasses. 
Add one of the tapioca pudding and decorate with the sliced mango.

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